Conduct Research

Youth experiencing homelessness are an over-surveyed and under-served population. RaY is committed to evidence-based solutions to issues affecting youth while also ensuring research is participatory, community-based, trauma-informed, and in line with our agency’s priorities.

All researchers requesting interviews with/statistical data about youth who use RaY’s services are subject to review by RaY’s Research and Ethics Committee. Research applications will be reviewed based on the following criteria:

  1. Relevant – Does your project contribute to the knowledge base on marginalized youth?
  2. Ethical – Does your project meet RaY’s ethical and professional guidelines? These may be different from that of your institution.
  3. A Good Match – Is your project consistent with the Research Priorities of RaY?

Ethical and timely research is an essential component in the fight to end youth homelessness. Research helps us better understand the root causes of youth homelessness so we can improve our programs and services to better address the needs of the populations we serve, at RaY and beyond. We know that research is also an important tool for decision makers and that they must have sufficient data before making informed decisions on policies, programs or funding. Engaging with populations experiencing youth homelessness is also required for research to be accurate and useful. While we both rely on and support research at RaY, we also always put the safety and wellbeing of our participants first. For that reason, if you are interested in collaborating on a research study, we request that you fill out the online ethics survey below where you will be asked to describe your proposed project, your research plan and its associated risks and benefits.

To view past research initiatives, click here

For more information:

Breda Vosters
Director of Grants & Information
T: 204 783-5617 ext: 210