
Affordable Housing for Youth

RaY has a variety of housing programs to help you find safe, secure housing. Here are some of the programs we offer.

Rapid rehousing: we can help you find housing in the private market.

Housing First: for if you’ve been homeless at least six months, or at least three times in the last year.

To access housing supports at RaY, you’ll need to:

  • Be over 18. If you are under 18, we can help refer you to other organizations that can help!


  • Have income (employment or EIA).

To apply for RaY’s housing supports, come to RaY during drop-in and fill out a housing intake.

Questions? Check out our FAQ below, chat with drop-in staff or contact info@rayinc.ca.

Am I eligible for housing supports at RaY?

Probably! If you are age 18 – 29 and are homeless, couch-surfing, about to get kicked out or evicted, or can’t keep your current place, we can help. Chat with the housing team about the best option for you.

What if I need housing immediately?

RaY is not a shelter, but we can provide you with resources about local organizations that can assist you in temporary housing or sheltering needs.

Do I need rental history or credit?

No. We understand that most youth don’t have these things. We will still work with you to find you housing.

Can RaY be my guarantor?

No. RaY is not able to be guarantor for you. Talk to the housing department about other ways you can get that place!

When/How Can I Apply?

All applications for housing should be completed in-person at RaY (125 Sherbrook) with one of our staff members. Applications go directly to our Housing Department and then one of our Housing Staff will contact you to complete your application.

We recommend that you apply as soon as possible to help secure a spot in our Housing Program!

Is there a wait list?

At RaY, we do not keep a waitlist, because housing options and needs can change so quickly. Contact the housing department and they will be able to tell you if we have room right now.

Can I Still Apply if I Have Existing Supports?

Absolutely! Our Housing Staff will work with you to determine all your existing supports and better understand your housing goals. We will do our best to coordinate your supports and help you transition into our Housing Program.

Are you still unsure if you qualify for the housing program?

That’s okay! Come to RaY Drop-in at 125 Sherbrook or contact us at info@rayinc.ca for more information. We will connect you with one of our friendly housing staff to discuss your housing needs and find the best housing fit for you!